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We are Proud To Announce

Miami Beach City Hall


773 17th St.

Taste @ City Hall

We are very proud to announce that Taste Cafe is NOW OPEN on 773 17th St, Miami Beach, FL 33139 (On 17th St off of Meridian Ave).

We have teamed up with the City of Miami Beach to show our shared love and appreciation to the City's Employees, who together make this City not only a wonderful place to live, but also one of the great cities of the world to visit with thousands of tourists from all across the globe every year.

Miami Beach is an exciting, fun, and great place to work; and now with the all-new, amazing perks for all City of Miami Beach Employees, this city has yet another reason to be called one of the best cities in the U.S to work for. 

Work for the City of Miami Beach?

Get Some Taste

The City of Miami Beach Employee Program

These Benefits will be available at:

7717th St. 

@ City Hall Complex​


Perks You Can Enjoy

Hit the Arrows to Learn More

How   To Use   The Perks

Have your City Employee ID

  • ​In order to be applicable for the discount and benefits, you must be an active City of Miami Beach Employee.

For Dine In & Pick Up

  • Come in, call our store, OR PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR PICK-UP ONLINE and place your order as usual.

  • Present your City of Miami Beach Employee ID to our helpful staff and the 40% discount will be applied immediately, along with any other perks you desire. 

  • It's as simple as that!

For Delivery

  • ​Have your Employee ID Ready. Call Taste and place your delivery order.

  • Give your 5-digit ID number to our staff and the discount will be applied. Show the Employee ID to the delivery driver for confirmation upon delivery.

Ordering Online

  • FOR PICK-UP: Place your order online as usual.

  • Remember under the name, put your 5 DIGIT CITY ID # followed by your name. Example: "12345 John Smith".

  • The discount will be applied in store when you pick-up your order.


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